Link to "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens

When Charles Dickens was 12 years old, his father, John Dickens, was so in debt that he was sent to prison. Charles was removed from school and sent to work at a boot-blacking factory (see red arrow in map) in order to help support his family. (See This map is from that website.) That experience
helped define Dickens' life, and greatly influenced his societal beliefs and his writings.
"Great Expectations," was Dickens thirteenth novel.
Here is the URL to the Website I've been working on that contains "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. Both print and audio are available, although the Website is not yet complete.
And in case you are looking for a little fun, here's an online game related to Dickens. It's titled, "Survive Dickens' London," and is designed to let you see whether you can, "Dodge through Victorian London, avoiding the gangs and villains and trials and tribulations of Dickensian London in order to seek out Charles Dickens in his chalet hideaway in Rochester." Hope you enjoy it!
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